“‘I have raised him up in righteousness,
and I will direct all his ways; he shall
build My city and let My exiles go free,
not for price nor reward,’ says the
LORD of hosts.”
— Isaiah 45:13 NKJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#333 Word Sent 2024/11/12.
Received 2024/11/07, 9:12 a.m.
Come under My covering today and
rest in who I AM and who you
are in and through Me.
Today has just begun and it will be
full of adventures; some small
and maybe some big.
Be prepared to be involved, not
only on a personal level, but
on a spiritual level also.
Remember, check with Me as you
walk out the path set before you.
Blessings and love I give to you as
you come to Me.