Never Leave Nor Forsake
“I am the vine, ye are the branches:
Who abideth in Me, and I in him, the
same beareth much fruit: for apart
from Me ye can do nothing.”
— John 15:5
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#161 Word Sent 2023/09/21 –
Received 2023/08/26, 7:05 a.m.
Behold! I love you and I will never
leave you nor forsake you.
Do you think I left those who were
martyred for Me?
How do you think they were able to
enter into martyrdom ?
I was walking with them every step
of the way.
I love you!
I will never leave you nor forsake you!
Come To Me
“For every tree is known by
his own fruit.”
— Luke 6:44 KJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#175 Word Sent 2023/09/19 –
Received 2023/09/06, 8:14 a.m.
To get direction you need to come
to Me and let Me in.
I know I AM the One who initiates,
but I also cause you to respond —
so respond!!
I AM About Life
We pray for you, “to the stablishing
of your hearts unblamable in holiness
before our God and Father, at the
presence of our Lord Jesus with all
His saints.”
— 1 Thessalonians 3:13 Panin Numeric N.T.
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#174 Word Sent 2023/09/18 –
Received 2023/09/05, 9:21 a.m.
Many people do not know Me or
understand Me.
They think I AM only interested in
what they call ‘the higher
spiritual things.’
I AM more than that !
I AM about life and all that it is;
soul, and
So know this;
I AM about bringing the Kingdom
from heaven to earth.
I AM about those whom I have
called to be part of that process,
so it can be to the benefit of
all mankind and all of creation.
I AM about life — life in and through ME!!
The Light of Day
“You have delivered my soul from death,
indeed my feet from stumbling, so that
I may walk before God in the light of
the living.”
Love and Rosh Hoshana/Feast of
Trumpets Blessings, Mike and Kathy
Scripture and self-portrait photo courtsey of Pauline Oja.
#150 Word Sent 2023/09/15.-
Received 2023/08/16, 8:36 a.m.
Have you seen the sunrise on your day
in your spirit?
I AM the Sunrise — the Light of day in
all you do.
Come! and see in the Spirit the sunrise.
Are You Ready?
“Let the word of the Christ dwell in you
richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing
yourselves with psalms, hymns, spiritual songs,
with grace singing in your hearts unto God.”
~~ Colossians 3:16 Panin Numeric N.T.
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#167 Word Sent 2023/09/10 –
Received 2023/08/29, 10:01 a.m.
Are you ready?
The Kingdom is coming!
The Kingdom will come first in My overcomers,
because I need My chosen ones who will be
able to handle and properly administer My
Kingdom when it comes.
That is only possible in and through Me.
So to prepare you must be in Me, and I in you,
and that takes time together, you and Me.
So are you ready?
Mike’s response, “Only in and through You
can I become ready, Father.
I ask You to come and make Me ready!
Working In The Background
We are praying that your “hearts be
comforted, being knit together in love
and unto all riches of the fulness of the
understanding, unto full knowledge of the
mystery of God, Christ, in whom are all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden.”
— Colossians 2:2,3 Panin Numeric N.T.
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#153 Word Sent 2023/09/08 –
Received 2023/08/19
Few would trade the limelight for
working in the background, but
that is what I have chosen for you.
As you do, you will have the privilege
and great joy of communing with
Me and coming to know Me on a
deep spiritual level.
So lament not for the limelight and
enjoy the path I have specifically
set before you.
Mercy and grace are yours in and
through Me.