Rest In The Joy
“As therefore ye received the Christ,
Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, rooted and
builded up in Him and stablished in the
faith, even as ye were taught, abounding
therein in thanksgiving.”
— Colossians 2:6,7 Panin Numeric NT
We are thankful for you!
Love and Thanksgiving Blessings to you,
dear Brethren,
Mike and Kathy
#320 Word Sent 2021/11/24 –
Received 2021/11/08 9:03 a.m.
Rest in the JOY that is only found
in ME, for it is enduring and
not a passing thing.
I Am Here
“Giving thanks to the Father … who
delivered us out of darkness, and
translated us into the kingdom of
the Son of His love;”
— Colossians 1:12,13
Panin Numeric NT
Love and the Blessings of the
Thanksgiving Season be upon you,
Mike and Kathy
#322 Word Sent 2021/11/23 –
Received 2021/11/09
Remember, when people fail you,
I am here.
When you bare you soul and get
no response, remember I am
People are not perfect, but I am;
and I am here to help you
to bear your burden,
to lighten your load, and
to use all
to help bring you to
You are blessed!
I AM here!
As My Spirit Goes
“I have set the LORD always before me:
because He is at my right hand, I shall
not be moved.”
— Psalm 16:8 KJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#310 Word Sent 2021/11/12 –
Received 2021/10/27, 10:24 a.m.
As the Spirit — MY Spirit — goes,
so eventually will the world go.
Be one that trusts and comes to
know that I AM the I AM and
all will come into being in My
time, as it has been planned
from the very beginning.
Rejoice! in Me as you walk your
walk, and as things come into
Rejoice! that I AM the I AM, the
one true God, and you have been
allowed to see the things happen
in the Spirit.
Until The End
“For Thou hast been a defense for the
helpless, a defense for the needy in his
distress, a refuge from the storm, a
shade from the heat; for the breath
of the ruthless is like a rain storm
against a wall.”
— Isaiah 25:4 NASB
Love and Blessings, dear Brethren,
Mike and Kathy
#317 Word Sent 2021/11/04 –
Received 2021/11/04, 9:28 a.m.
Realize you will not have it all until
the end. Then you will move from
being covered to the time of the
extraction of the sin nature; and
true complete overcoming will
become a reality.
Until then, be content and thankful
for what you have been given, and
for the path I have you on to the
Blessed are those who are covered
for now and that are waiting
patiently for the transformation!
Into My Hands
“And now I commend you to God and
to the word of His grace, which is
able to build you up and to give you
the inheritance among all those who
are sanctified.”
— Acts 20:32 NASB
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#311 Word Sent 2021/11/03 –
Received 2021/10/29, 12:03 p.m.
Into My hands release all.
Not until you do that will you find
To do that, I will give you the
grace and
mercy and
faith and
Then you will enter into the place
under My wings where all will be
in My hands!
Grace, mercy and peace be unto you
today, and every day!