“Behold, I AM doing a new thing; now it
springs forth, do you not perceive it? I
will make a way in the wilderness and
rivers in the desert.”
— Isaiah 43:19 KJV
#154 Word Sent 2018/04/29 –
Received 2018/04/26, 10:54 a.m.
You cannot fully appreciate what you
have until you have lost it.
Then, when you regain it, it is different;
more real,
more alive,
a new creation.
Now it will be more than before —
wildly more,
because you will be
complete in Christ.
Eyes To See
“He raised us up with Christ, the exalted
One, and we ascended with Him into the
glorious perfection and authority of the
heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated
as one with Christ.”
— Ephesians 2:6 the Passion translation
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#147 Word Sent 2018/04/25 –
Received 2018/04/24, 9:56 a.m.
The law and the two covenants —
Old and New.
With what eyes to you see My law?
Many who think they are in the
New Covenant really only see My
law through Old Covenant eyes;
and they also miss hearing it
with New Covenant ears.
Many today want to throw My law
away, instead of seeing that it
is the basis of all that I do —
for I AM the I AM and I wrote
the law and I AM Lawful.
In so doing, many fail to see
— that the law is the basis
for the New Covenant;
— that the New Covenant gives
understanding that comes out
of the law and is a reflection
of My heart of Love;
— that the law applies to today,
and throughout all history.
All My word is necessary for
reproof and understanding.
Through My Grace And Mercy
“But the humble of heart will inherit
every promise and enjoy abundant
— Psalm 37:11 the Passion translation
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#143 Word Sent 2018/04/21 –
Received 2018/04/21, 7:55 a.m.
Any time you take credit or try to take
credit for something, you bring the
old man of the flesh back and you
are in the Old Covenant of doing
things yourself.
It is only through My grace and mercy
that you are; and that anything is
done in the New Covenant.
Remember, it is not by might, but by
My Spirit.
Come to know that (Hebrew know) and
operate in that knowing as you do all
Now, the New Man of the Spirit and
New Covenant
knows and
understands and
agrees that all is accomplished
ONLY through Me and My great grace
and mercy.
“‘These are the things you shall do: speak
each man the truth to his neighbor; give
judgment in your gates for truth, justice,
and peace; let none of you think evil in
your heart against your neighbor; and do
not love a false oath. For all these are
things that I hate,’ says the LORD.”
— Zechariah 8:16,17 NKJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#133 Word Sent 2018/04/18 –
Received 2018/04/15, 1:00 a.m.
You are now in the earthly dimension in
Just above that dimension is another
reality or dimension, and when it is
brought down it has dominion over
the earthly dimension.
Only those with the Key of David, the
nature of Me, your Father, can
look and see into that dimension;
and at My direction bring it into
your dimension of time on earth.
As it comes down, it will be like the
New Jerusalem come down to the
earth — a Kingdom reality manifest
The Kingdom Age
“Faith empowers us to see the universe
was created and beautifully coordinated
by the power of God’s words! He spoke
and the invisible realm gave birth to all
that is seen.”
— Hebrews 11:3 The Passion Translation
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#137 Word Sent 2018/04/17 –
Received 2018/04/17, 4:30 a.m.
As overcomers in Me and through Me,
we will bring into being the New
Age — the Kingdom Age.
It is about bringing heaven down to
I will need those who are in Me, and
know it is only through Me, to exercise
the authority I have given them to
be My double witness and bring the
Kingdom into the earth from heaven.
“May everyone who knows Your mercy
keep putting their trust in You, for
they can count on You for help no matter
what. O Lord, you will never, no never,
neglect those who come to You.”
— Psalm 9:10 Passion Translation
#135 Word Sent 2018/04/15 –
Received 2018/04/15, 1:30 a.m.
You are all blind in some areas, but
rejoice! for I come to you and ask,
‘What can I do for you?’
It is a serious question, ‘Do you
truly want to see?’
If I heal your blindness and open your
eyes, then you are responsible to
respond in whatever way is revealed
to you —
insight to move forward in
arenas not seen before —
whatever is revealed, you will be
responsible for.
So My question to you is this, ‘Do you
want to be healed of blindness and see?’
Understand My Love
“All Your works shall praise You, O LORD,
and Your saints shall bless You. They
shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom,
and talk of Your power, to make known to
the sons of men His mighty acts, and the
glorious majesty of His kingdom.”
— Psalm 145:10-12 NKJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#129 Word Sent 2018/04/13 –
Received 2018/04/10, 10:34 a.m.
Can you start to understand My Love —
My Love for you?
My Love that sent My Son — My only
Son — to the cross to defeat sin
in the flesh, your flesh.
My Love that can not be separated
from you, that binds us together
in each other.
My Love, that when you look at it,
is beyond comprehension.
Blessed you are in My Love —
Rejoice! and be glad in Me.
“For then do I turn unto peoples a pure
lip [language], to call all of them by the
name of Jehovah, to serve Him with one
— Zephaniah 3:9 YLT
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
Word Sent 2018/04/11
Life is what happens as you wait for
your future.
Do not get caught waiting — come to
Me and live Life today and
Rich in Me
“Wherefore I will not be negligent to
put you always in remembrance of these
things, though ye know them, and be
established in the present truth.”
— 2 Peter 1:12 KJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#122 Word Sent 2018/04/10 –
Received 2018/04/05, 12:05 a.m.
Rich and famous — that is what the
world seeks and worships.
You are rich and famous in the
spiritual world.
You are rich in My
understanding, and
My nature.
You are also famous — you are
known my Me, the I AM.
Not Fatherless
“Then the whole assembly agreed to keep
the Feast [2nd Passover] another seven
days, and they kept it another seven days
with gladness.”
— 2 Chronicles 30:23 NKJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#124 Word Sent 2018/04/09 –
Received 2018/04/07, 10:35 a.m.
You are not Fatherless.
I AM your Father and through that, you
need not fear any more.
As you walked in a state of being Fatherless,
fear came upon you and terrorized you —
but NO more.
Remember, I AM your Father — in you and
through you.
I AM your Father, perfect Love, — in you
and through you — and fear flees as
I AM manifest.
“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto
His name; worship the Lord in the beauty
of holiness.”
Psalm 29:2 KJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#120 Word Sent 2018/04/02 –
Received 2018/04/02, 7:00 a.m.
What would I, your Father, call victory?
Victory is when all people are called
back to Me, so I do not lose even one!
What qualifies My Overcomers to rule
and reign with Christ?
You are the only ones contending for
authority in My Kindgom who pray
for ALL others to come into My
Family, the Family of God.
That is what qualifies you above all others;
that through Me you are displaying My
Heart to bring ALL of My creation back
into Myself.
Ready To Minister
“I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge
and my fortress: my God; in Him will I
— Psalm 91:2 KJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#098 Word Sent 2018/04/01 –
Received 2018/03/19, 8:45 a.m.
Yesterday you went up to the mountain
to receive from on High.
Today you go out into the world refreshed
and, through the Spirit, ready to
minister the true Light to the world
“Behold, I AM doing a new thing; now it
springs forth, do you not perceive it? I
will make a way in the wilderness and
rivers in the desert.”
— Isaiah 43:19 KJV
#154 Word Sent 2018/04/29 –
Received 2018/04/26, 10:54 a.m.
You cannot fully appreciate what you
have until you have lost it.
Then, when you regain it, it is different;
more real,
more alive,
a new creation.
Now it will be more than before —
wildly more,
because you will be
complete in Christ.
Eyes To See
“He raised us up with Christ, the exalted
One, and we ascended with Him into the
glorious perfection and authority of the
heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated
as one with Christ.”
— Ephesians 2:6 the Passion translation
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#147 Word Sent 2018/04/25 –
Received 2018/04/24, 9:56 a.m.
The law and the two covenants —
Old and New.
With what eyes to you see My law?
Many who think they are in the
New Covenant really only see My
law through Old Covenant eyes;
and they also miss hearing it
with New Covenant ears.
Many today want to throw My law
away, instead of seeing that it
is the basis of all that I do —
for I AM the I AM and I wrote
the law and I AM Lawful.
In so doing, many fail to see
— that the law is the basis
for the New Covenant;
— that the New Covenant gives
understanding that comes out
of the law and is a reflection
of My heart of Love;
— that the law applies to today,
and throughout all history.
All My word is necessary for
reproof and understanding.
Through My Grace And Mercy
“But the humble of heart will inherit
every promise and enjoy abundant
— Psalm 37:11 the Passion translation
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#143 Word Sent 2018/04/21 –
Received 2018/04/21, 7:55 a.m.
Any time you take credit or try to take
credit for something, you bring the
old man of the flesh back and you
are in the Old Covenant of doing
things yourself.
It is only through My grace and mercy
that you are; and that anything is
done in the New Covenant.
Remember, it is not by might, but by
My Spirit.
Come to know that (Hebrew know) and
operate in that knowing as you do all
Now, the New Man of the Spirit and
New Covenant
knows and
understands and
agrees that all is accomplished
ONLY through Me and My great grace
and mercy.
“‘These are the things you shall do: speak
each man the truth to his neighbor; give
judgment in your gates for truth, justice,
and peace; let none of you think evil in
your heart against your neighbor; and do
not love a false oath. For all these are
things that I hate,’ says the LORD.”
— Zechariah 8:16,17 NKJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#133 Word Sent 2018/04/18 –
Received 2018/04/15, 1:00 a.m.
You are now in the earthly dimension in
Just above that dimension is another
reality or dimension, and when it is
brought down it has dominion over
the earthly dimension.
Only those with the Key of David, the
nature of Me, your Father, can
look and see into that dimension;
and at My direction bring it into
your dimension of time on earth.
As it comes down, it will be like the
New Jerusalem come down to the
earth — a Kingdom reality manifest
The Kingdom Age
“Faith empowers us to see the universe
was created and beautifully coordinated
by the power of God’s words! He spoke
and the invisible realm gave birth to all
that is seen.”
— Hebrews 11:3 The Passion Translation
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#137 Word Sent 2018/04/17 –
Received 2018/04/17, 4:30 a.m.
As overcomers in Me and through Me,
we will bring into being the New
Age — the Kingdom Age.
It is about bringing heaven down to
I will need those who are in Me, and
know it is only through Me, to exercise
the authority I have given them to
be My double witness and bring the
Kingdom into the earth from heaven.
“May everyone who knows Your mercy
keep putting their trust in You, for
they can count on You for help no matter
what. O Lord, you will never, no never,
neglect those who come to You.”
— Psalm 9:10 Passion Translation
#135 Word Sent 2018/04/15 –
Received 2018/04/15, 1:30 a.m.
You are all blind in some areas, but
rejoice! for I come to you and ask,
‘What can I do for you?’
It is a serious question, ‘Do you
truly want to see?’
If I heal your blindness and open your
eyes, then you are responsible to
respond in whatever way is revealed
to you —
insight to move forward in
arenas not seen before —
whatever is revealed, you will be
responsible for.
So My question to you is this, ‘Do you
want to be healed of blindness and see?’
Understand My Love
“All Your works shall praise You, O LORD,
and Your saints shall bless You. They
shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom,
and talk of Your power, to make known to
the sons of men His mighty acts, and the
glorious majesty of His kingdom.”
— Psalm 145:10-12 NKJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#129 Word Sent 2018/04/13 –
Received 2018/04/10, 10:34 a.m.
Can you start to understand My Love —
My Love for you?
My Love that sent My Son — My only
Son — to the cross to defeat sin
in the flesh, your flesh.
My Love that can not be separated
from you, that binds us together
in each other.
My Love, that when you look at it,
is beyond comprehension.
Blessed you are in My Love —
Rejoice! and be glad in Me.
“For then do I turn unto peoples a pure
lip [language], to call all of them by the
name of Jehovah, to serve Him with one
— Zephaniah 3:9 YLT
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
Word Sent 2018/04/11
Life is what happens as you wait for
your future.
Do not get caught waiting — come to
Me and live Life today and
Rich in Me
“Wherefore I will not be negligent to
put you always in remembrance of these
things, though ye know them, and be
established in the present truth.”
— 2 Peter 1:12 KJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#122 Word Sent 2018/04/10 –
Received 2018/04/05, 12:05 a.m.
Rich and famous — that is what the
world seeks and worships.
You are rich and famous in the
spiritual world.
You are rich in My
understanding, and
My nature.
You are also famous — you are
known my Me, the I AM.
Not Fatherless
“Then the whole assembly agreed to keep
the Feast [2nd Passover] another seven
days, and they kept it another seven days
with gladness.”
— 2 Chronicles 30:23 NKJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#124 Word Sent 2018/04/09 –
Received 2018/04/07, 10:35 a.m.
You are not Fatherless.
I AM your Father and through that, you
need not fear any more.
As you walked in a state of being Fatherless,
fear came upon you and terrorized you —
but NO more.
Remember, I AM your Father — in you and
through you.
I AM your Father, perfect Love, — in you
and through you — and fear flees as
I AM manifest.
“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto
His name; worship the Lord in the beauty
of holiness.”
Psalm 29:2 KJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#120 Word Sent 2018/04/02 –
Received 2018/04/02, 7:00 a.m.
What would I, your Father, call victory?
Victory is when all people are called
back to Me, so I do not lose even one!
What qualifies My Overcomers to rule
and reign with Christ?
You are the only ones contending for
authority in My Kindgom who pray
for ALL others to come into My
Family, the Family of God.
That is what qualifies you above all others;
that through Me you are displaying My
Heart to bring ALL of My creation back
into Myself.
Ready To Minister
“I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge
and my fortress: my God; in Him will I
— Psalm 91:2 KJV
Love and Blessings,
Mike and Kathy
#098 Word Sent 2018/04/01 –
Received 2018/03/19, 8:45 a.m.
Yesterday you went up to the mountain
to receive from on High.
Today you go out into the world refreshed
and, through the Spirit, ready to
minister the true Light to the world